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Member Since 22 May 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2010 09:31 AM

cc lancer gsr rear bar

05 February 2010 - 08:39 PM

just after a rear bar for gsr would be good if it was red but ill take anything in good nick.

brake problem?

02 September 2009 - 09:34 PM

i was just wondering if you guys had any thoughts on this
i started noticing that on slight hills my car wouldnt roll back in neutral and sometimes it would, i checked that both front caliper slides moved freely and that the handbrake wasnt sticking and it was all good. but this morning when i pulled up at work i noticed smoke comming from the drivers side front caliper:huh: its like the piston is sticking when looking at the brakes there is nothing visually wrong
its a gsr with 63 conversion and it does have abs

o2 sensor

29 July 2009 - 09:15 PM

im after a gsr 2 wire o2 sensor in good condition

fuel consumption?

28 July 2009 - 09:35 PM

i was just wondering what you guys get roughly from a tank, mine is a gsr with evo 0 motor and im struggling :( im getting about 250k to a 50l tank and thats not floggin it either and 8psi, its not leaking ive already checked that and im using a meek gsr converted ecu to which he made it leaner on full throttle, i was thinking about 400k/50L was about right 350k driving hard

4g63 throttle body elbow

26 July 2009 - 10:36 PM

im after a 1g/2g throttle body elbow to suit a 63t