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Member Since 10 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2014 11:42 AM

In Topic: registered evo 3????

09 September 2014 - 11:27 AM

Ive done alot of homework into this. I was looking at a griggs evo 3 from VIC. which are a glorified evo 3. So Keep away from them.


I ended up finding my evo 3 Yellow plate in the trading post. I kept the add then rang the guy back 3 months later to see if he had it and he did. He wanted alot of money but I loved the car and knew I would have it for a long time so I grabbed my balls and jumped. 11 years on I still have it, I live in NSW and are about to put it back on the road to take the family up to byron, with a Pod on the roof hahahah. fit the prams in it.


Ive heard there are about 25 Yellow plate imports. They are still worth the around the same money I paid for it back then.


So Romeo if you want one make it happen, keep an eye out , I know of a guy who sold his one last may from canberra that was beautiful.

In Topic: Why do I keep blowing my head gasket

09 September 2014 - 10:49 AM

BOOM radiator Cap. That was my problem with a cheap chinese radiator. Caused my Blown head gasket . Well I reckon it did. Now I have a Koyo Radiator was $750 But

In Topic: Ebay Alloy Radiators?

09 September 2014 - 10:45 AM

I had a chinese one, And couldnt get a radiator cap to fit. Which caused me to do my head gasket. Well I reckon it did it.


So I bought a Koyo radiator for $750. Nice and thick.  And new head gasket. hahah.