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Member Since 02 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2011 05:45 AM

Hyper Sports check engine light

20 January 2011 - 11:37 PM

Hi Guys
I'm new to RVR ownership but have been on these forums with a GSR.

My girlfriends 97 Hyper Sports Gear has started playing up. It appears to be going into safe mode cutting ignition at around 2000 rpm and dumping fuel through the engine both at standstill and driving. The thermo fan keeps alternating on and off and the check engine light and cat conv over temp light come on then switch off.
So far I've checked the ign leads which were all fine (low resistance)
replaced the spark plugs

Has anyone had similar problems? Also any ideas on how to get code retrieval from the ecu?
