new cooler has been painted stealth mode black, and is now pretty much invisible behind the grille and bumper
new turbo is a monster...
Master Power T04E "T61 P-Trim", rated at 600hp
91mm compressor wheel (the old turbo had a 60mm compressor wheel, so the new front is a fair bit bigger) its .84 rear, 360degree thrust, 101mm inlet
efi manifold has arrived, will be getting a custom made plenum for it later on, but for now its just a cut n shut magna unit, will be running a VN t/b and 780cc injectors
the haltech loom looks like a nightmare, but its pretty much a straight forward plug in job, as it came from a sigma turbo and already tuned etc etc
custom turbo exhaust manifold looks good. It basically a direct steam pipe copy of the factory cast turbo manifold, but with better flow and a lot less weight. Sits the turbo in the same spot as factory etc etc. Had to get a T3 to T4 adaptor - manifold is T4, new turbo is T3, i could have ordered the manifold with a T3 flange, but even so the compressor housing wouldnt clear the manifold anyways, but the adaptor lifts it around 2 inches and now there is plenty of clearance. And it clears the bonnet too, which i thought it wasnt gonna, so thats a bonus
so yeah, i have enough to keep me occupied for a while
i was gonna be taking it to the drags in november, but there is 100% chance that its not gonna be ready, so its definately gonna be going to the december drag meeting
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EVL 076
EVL 076
Member Since 02 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Apr 27 2010 01:54 PM