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Member Since 06 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2020 05:44 PM

In Topic: Evo1-3 floor mat part number?

05 February 2019 - 05:36 AM

I'm not sure if it was clarified in here but is the 2 door carpet the same as 4 door? For some reason in the USA, they only show 2 door Mirage 93-96 carpet from 3rd party sellers.

In Topic: GSR/Evo engine mounts

13 January 2019 - 07:04 AM

Lol I guess not. What did you guys do with the flat vertical pieces that are on either side of the factory timing belt side mount? They didn't want to squeeze back in there after the prothane install.

In Topic: GSR/Evo engine mounts

10 January 2019 - 08:29 AM

Yea no big deal, I just figured they were left in like mad polly ones, guess not.  So I'm assuming that every mount requires the outer ring to be removed for the Prothane inserts.

The reason being is the prothane mounts have a lip around the outer edge...not sure if the madpollys do?

In Topic: GSR/Evo engine mounts

10 January 2019 - 07:04 AM

I think it's important to point out the difference between the mad polly instructions above and using the prothane inserts is that you need to remove the metal outer ring (at least on the timing belt mount) when installing the prothane mounts.  Polly calls for leaving the ring in.  I spent more time than I care to admit cleaning that outer ring, only to find that my prothane mount won't fit when leaving the ring in.  I'm also assuming you will need to leave the side cushions on the timing belt mount too.

In Topic: bride

08 April 2018 - 05:03 AM

I just finished mounting my bride seats to my oem sliders and the seats are crazy high. What's the easiest way to fix this?

my brother fitted Bride seats into a Proton (same as Lancer). He used the Recaro seat rails from the EVO 1-6.5 and a custom made mounting plate on top of it. i.e. fitted an entire plate to the bottom of the Brides, then made holes in the plate to bolt onto the EVO rails.