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Member Since 10 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2014 07:19 AM

In Topic: My Leggy (the new daily)

29 May 2013 - 08:47 PM

He might be a peanut


Nah, but Ive worked on them in the past. I signed up to the mitsubishi forums using the same name as most users are seen around the traps.

In Topic: My Leggy (the new daily)

25 May 2013 - 09:44 AM

nice clean PFL. I guess you already know about ozvr4.com

looks like you need a new tow hook cover

In Topic: Airtrek Turbo R Now Available for Import

09 December 2012 - 01:58 AM

I had one of these in Nz for three years before I came over here in 2008. It ha done 150,000kms and was in mint condition . I couldnt sell it for more than $4000. It was a 2002 . Great car to drive

Yeah they are dirt cheep in japan. I dont know where the compliancers/importers get their prices from. They deal with people that are easiest, ie ones that export and know english. Grab a copy of Goo or drive past some car dealers in the suburbs of most larger Japanese cities and you will realise how far off the going prices. After all they are over ten years old and noone wants them.

My wife had a AWD Micra with a decent amount of options and spotless condition before we moved over here. Most people didnt want to pay anything, some wanted money to dispose of it. I kknow its only a Micra, but it goes to show how little cars are really worth. It even more noticable when it would be cheaper to import from Nz than Japan direct.

I dont think the personal import scheme is really working here. They are not really personal imports. "These are the cars you get, this is the price you pay. You get them through us and thats it." Its very hard to "personaly" import without dealing with a broker even without the language barrier.

In Topic: Rear trailing arms

21 September 2012 - 09:44 AM


Something like this. This one takes 280 - 330 mm discs at 20 mm thickness and is cable operated. Therefore you can use most of the original handbrake set up.

Karts use these hooked up to a disc on the axle.

In Topic: Rear trailing arms

20 September 2012 - 11:40 AM

Pity about the handbrake; Might have to go hydraulic afterall :)

What about a cable operated spot brake/go kart set up?