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Member Since 21 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 24 2017 02:46 AM

#271934 Enkei Tarmac 4 stud (x1) + Lancer GSR stock rims & tyres

Posted by THE411 on 25 February 2013 - 01:50 AM

Do you still have the tarmac?

#207762 WTF is with the admin team

Posted by THE411 on 09 August 2010 - 09:08 AM

As in the title, what is with the real bright idea of removing the private areas of this forum? It was originally put there so that people could put their rides up in confidence for all of the respected Team4G users to view, appreciate, comment and follow the build-ups them members have going on. It now seems that this now does not apply any more. I for one do not wish for my members ride thread to be published on the internet for all would be theives/vandals and general douche bags to find out details about my vehicle. This only advertises what you have, and what they want. To become a member of the private section was something that not everyone had access to, you had to display a genuine interest in the vehicles, scene and culture to be granted entry. People put up their rides in this area because they feel safe to do so in the knowledge that their peers who will be looking at their thread, do have a genuine interest in the vehicle. People can also display their vehicles in this area without the law peering into what the have done to their vehicles.

#182369 ADMINS

Posted by THE411 on 17 January 2010 - 08:24 AM

I am SO SICK of seeing "please put your location in your user CP' and "please put a price in your ad" and so on. Can the admins please find another way of contacting the offending people rather than polluting threads with the crap! It makes the site look pathetic when this is policed so bad. I suggest that you either PM the offenders in regards to the price, and in regards to the location in user CP....if it bothers you all that much make it a compulsory field in the new user registration! I this day in age if you cant organise that, then there is something wrong!