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Member Since 19 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2010 10:46 AM

In Topic: Well, the old Gallant has got to go.

02 August 2010 - 08:45 AM

Well, Ebay was as good as a hat full of bumholes. Zero bids.

Any ideas of what its worth would be appreciated. I paid $16k for it in the early 90's and sure as eggs, it ain't worth that much. Their list price was something like $32,000 new. I'd be happy with an offer I couldn't refuse.

As for the engine, it had a problem where it would suddenly drop to idle. It wouldnt stall, but it would not rev. Then a few seconds later, all systems go, full power.
I spent over a brass band on new EFI sensors, pulled hair out and took years off my life trying to fix it. What antagonised my the most, is it could have been as simple as a bad electrical connection.
In the middle of this, the clutch and pressure plate were replaced and did less than a 1000 km.
Gearbox is good, struts, discs, etc, are all good. Body is straight (apart from valance)

But it is all garden variety stuff. SOHC, stock brakes, blah blah.

As far as I can tell, it would be a good drivetrain to build a cheap, fast-ish Lancer, good bottom end for a possible twin cam head, or put a set of recaro's in it and drive it.

Open to offers, for parts or whole car.

In Topic: Hoon Car Crushed

30 July 2010 - 08:43 AM

If you leave an unregistered car on the footpath/ nature strip, they will eventually impound it.
If it is passed in at the next sherrifs auction, it will sold for scrap, currently arround $140/ tonne for car bodies at the moment.
Its just how the law gets rid of un-claimed cars.

They are just applying it to the hoon laws. Why the media involvement? Just a chance to make something of nothing, a slow news week, IMO.

If the car was a heap of crap, with problems, the owner probably took the cheap option and let them keep the POS commie. He would have been up for more than the car was worth, to bail it out. His problem will be the sherrif wants his dough and won't forget his name. And the sherrif will get it, sooner, or later with interest.

In Topic: Well, the old Gallant has got to go.

16 July 2010 - 05:51 AM

when do we go for a ride?

In Topic: Well, the old Gallant has got to go.

15 July 2010 - 12:59 PM

Nothing like some Campbells fully loaded guy. Even the toe-cutter would be scared of him. Anyone that can surf ski through the bush has my vote.

We know who you are, Bronze, we know who you are!

Or what about " light me, Johny..."

I will change my sig now and then, let me know if i hit your fav.

In Topic: Well, the old Gallant has got to go.

15 July 2010 - 10:57 AM

Heres the pics. I didn't mention damage to the front valance from towing with the tie down point, left side. Sorry for that. Pictures are fresh.