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Member Since 23 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2012 01:56 AM

Quick interior question.....

11 August 2011 - 10:34 AM

Hi Guys,

Quick question before I go mental at my mechanic -

Does the Evo VII have a plastic trim underneath the passenger side dash below the glove box that hides wires, etc?

Am I being screwed?

01 August 2011 - 12:01 PM

I have been quoted $710 inc. labour for new brembo front rotors and front and back Lucas "sport" pads.

The front rotors are below legal (under 30mm).

Is that a fair price or am I getting fisted?

Secondly, do I even need new rotors? Cant I just get new pads if I'm not doing track work?

Insurance Blowout

20 July 2011 - 02:05 AM

Just got my insurance bill from Just Cars for the evo VII -

They want $1300 up $350 from last year even after the hail damage claim in Jan 2010, and renewal in August 2010..> :blink: WTF?

Anyone experienced something similar or could point me in the direction of a company that arent bandits?

Registering in WA

14 June 2011 - 03:26 AM

Hi guys,

I brought my car over from vic last year and the rego is due to expire in August.

I have been warned by my housemate not to register it in WA because it wont pass a test in the pits (it has a custom exhuast.....).

Anyone had similar experiences or could shed light on the situation? Is he correct in saying I shouldnt do it?

Torrent Modem Settings

20 May 2011 - 01:12 AM

Hi Guys,

I recently had ADSL+2 activated at my place.

I havent downloaded anything in years (last time I downloaded movies/music was when napster was around.....). Everyone at work is telling me torrents are the way to go - but I know that file sharing has an upload component to it as well. The problem is that both uploads and downloads count as usage with TPG.....

I have a netgear DG834G.....

Im going to use utorrent or Vuze......

I also set the upload limit to 1KB p/s on utorrent but noticed that the outgoing was 14 kb/s on the toolbar on utorrent....

Any help would be much appreciated.
