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Member Since 04 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2010 12:11 PM

some troubles

19 November 2010 - 06:08 AM

hey guys havent been on here in a while but just got my 4g92 and was wondering why i cant make a thread in the wanted section? as far as im aware i used to be able to.
cheers. sorry if ive missed something stupid.

WTB: evo 2/3 coilovers, early model recaro's, 15" rims, evo 1-3 strut braces.

18 July 2010 - 04:32 AM

hey guys as stated im looking for a full set of evo 2 or 3 coilovers preferably with a lower spring rate as its going in a Mirage Cyborg rs.
also if anybody nows the recaro's that come out of them a new drivers one.
and also some 15"x7 or 8 stud pattern 4x100 rims. looking more for the jdm look but post up what you have.
Evo 1-3 front and rear strut braces.


21 December 2009 - 02:19 PM

Verry much into my drifting and grip. for quite sometime ive been considering weather or not to build a drift car up or to buy a gsr and do an 4g63 conversion, then thoughts came into my mind is it possible and if so what is need to make a gsr into rear wheel drive? ive done some searching but no real results. at this point of time just playing around with the idea but would definatly be something cool.


20 December 2009 - 02:38 AM

My Ch lancer 2006 VRX,
Manual, 2.4L 4G69

Nothing special but thought id share as it probley something diffrent around here.

2 1/2" mandrel bent cat back exhuast
Pod Filter
Progressive stage Shift light
Shortened throw shift
Shift nob
Evo 8 rear spoiler
Arctic Blue Lights
Custom Painted rims
Tinted Windows
Cadaince 12" sub
Cadaince amp

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Want an evo II so bad!