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Member Since 06 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2014 11:12 PM

In Topic: Cruise/meet/BBQ - Sunday 24 October 2010

24 October 2010 - 06:23 AM

How did you guys get in to the Upper Yarra Dam area? We tried to come in from the top... But google maps gives terrible info! We followed lots of dirt roads that ended in closed gates haha oh well. No phone reception out their either. Anyway we had a nice lunch in Healesville and an awesome drive on such a nice day, so maybe next time there's an event I'll try and meet up with everyone from the start so I don't get lost :)

In Topic: Cruise/meet/BBQ - Sunday 24 October 2010

18 October 2010 - 09:06 PM

Link posted on Austarion to first page here with it's nice new maps :)

In Topic: Cruise/meet/BBQ - Sunday 24 October 2010

18 October 2010 - 08:53 PM

CLuTZ- Cool! I love seeing a car change, grow and blossom haha :) Yeh it needed some love in how it looked. Those wheels should top it off too

I'll tell the Starion guys yeh! Next time I'll try and keep an eye out earlier so I give more warning cos probly won't get many this time but will see what we can do :) They're pretty friendly and keen to hang out with other Mitsu people.

In Topic: Cruise/meet/BBQ - Sunday 24 October 2010

18 October 2010 - 07:09 AM

I reckon I'll be there with the GSR-VR :) Freshly registered!
Will probly just drop past for a bit tho cos have somethin else on in the morning, so hope to swing by the BBQ location!

(Just put on the custom plates WIDEEY - so if someone see's me driving around aimlessly looking for other 4G's wave at me! Mitsumadness = WIDEEY)