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Member Since 22 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2011 12:37 AM

In Topic: 2 gsrs to trade.

23 July 2011 - 09:31 AM

i am located in townsville. willm put some pictures up.

In Topic: What to change next

23 July 2011 - 09:29 AM

run some bigger injectors, adjust those cams and retun,e that motor has soo much more in it. even with that turbo.

In Topic: 2 gsrs to trade.

16 July 2011 - 11:00 AM

ok time to update, running gsr is now gone.
All i have left is one gsr minus engine gearbox,
one evo 1 motor headhas been ported polished hks 272 cams, cam gears, rebuilt with gates belt.
one proton satria gti 4g93 motor
a huge box of spares

$2000 for the lot.

In Topic: Some advice on turbo and ecu choice

15 July 2011 - 06:56 AM

tdo6 20g, 264 inlet cam with 272 exhaust cam and 700cc injects running ecmlink should net you about 260-270 at 22psi with a wicked spool up time. about the cheapest way to do it as well otherwise if you have the cash a slightly larger turbo would do it with a bit more spoolup time but far less load on the turbo itself.

In Topic: 2 gsrs to trade.

27 June 2011 - 06:51 AM

yeah i didnt plan to do it up heaps just basic stuff. as for those parts gianni how much would you offer, i would like to get rid of the whole car prefferably but i may be persauaded to change my mind