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cairns d j

cairns d j

Member Since 11 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2013 09:04 AM

In Topic: evo 6 ecu into evo 1

30 July 2013 - 09:30 AM

Hi all
I allready had evo6 ecu
My problem has been solved.
Thanks for all your help.

In Topic: evo 6 ecu into evo 1

28 July 2013 - 11:43 AM

Cool thanks
Understand bin file now.
Starting to sound like a Meek tune (evo 1 refresh) mite be easier. Daily driver and don't want a thirsty bxxxx.
Thanks Darryl.
Bed time

In Topic: evo 6 ecu into evo 1

28 July 2013 - 11:13 AM

Yes, this is why I need help.!
Sorry afm was good guess
Knock sensor, different part number and wired different.
Sorry jack but I'm not good with computers,
bin file ?
Thanks again

In Topic: evo 6 ecu into evo 1

28 July 2013 - 10:11 AM

Thanks for reply
Q1 , understand
Q2 , sweet
Q3. Got that,was under impression tha it just a pull out and swope some of the harness side pins. Similar to putting evo8 ecu into EVO 4 to 7.
Q4. I thought they had different arm, EVO 1 - EVO 6
Thanks darryl

In Topic: assorted parts - gsr evo - new bits added

10 June 2013 - 04:48 AM

Hi mate.
Interested in feul pump set up?
Thanks Darryl , Brisbane.