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Purple Monster

Purple Monster

Member Since 15 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active May 13 2010 04:01 AM

Speedy Cobalts?

22 July 2009 - 08:08 AM

Anybody running a set of these on a Cordia?

i reckon they're a nice lookin rim, thinking of getting a set of 16X6.5's and just wondering if anybody else had used them?

kind regards

Custom dash dial faces!! Eoi

18 July 2009 - 10:58 AM

Have a cordia but are sick of the boring cluster lighting?

Find the stock dial faces boring and 80's?

Looking for expressions of interest for these, will get mine done soon and shall post some pics up.

These should allow you to change the colour of your dial illumination without having to change globes or LED's.

Pm me for more details.

Other models may become available so don't count yourself unlucky yet.

Very well could be cheaper than alot of these other dial kits and easier to fit. They are not crappy overlay plastics or paper covers. They are good quality as replacement dial faces printed on the genuine plastic your factory faces are.

Prices are not determined yet. Interest will affect price so the more interest, the lower the price

Expressions of interest atm.

Kind Regards

Evening All

15 July 2009 - 08:42 AM

Gday all, names Rob.

Recently had a mate give me his AB Cordia GSR which he had driven me around in when i was younger which i remembered as a beautiful, purple turbo car that pulled like nothing i'd ever felt before.

Then i moved up to the country for a while and so i hadn't really seen it in 6 or 7 years.

So naturally when he offered it too me i thought hell yeah, unfortunately... haha

SOOO..... being a soon to be P-Plate driver in Victoria i have to go out and detune a hybrid Smart car so as not to break these modern power legislations.

In the pipeworks is an N/A 4G63 conversion using the factory Cordia GSR 5 speed. Redoing the interior in black and silver with blue lighting, probably run her around on a polished set of steelies till i find a set of rims i really like.

The car came with 2 sets of alloys, a 5 spoke set and a 3 spoke set which i'll probably be selling soon so if you want more info look out for it or pm me.

A nice little stereo set up will go in soon, as money permits haha

so that's my rant

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someone making mounts for 4g63 to cordia??

15 July 2009 - 07:58 AM

gday all.

i've heard someone is making the top enginge mount required to drop the 4g63 into the cordia??

any help would be appreciated

kind regards