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Member Since 23 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2017 09:46 PM

In Topic: Really fast cars vs Formula 1

13 January 2011 - 07:41 AM

here it is with them streaming together side by side.. the difference is amazing!


In Topic: hey does anyone have darren from afas number????

23 December 2010 - 12:04 AM

jon or dennis (illuszn) should have it........................................... or maybe dan :lol: .. just playing

In Topic: apexi avc anyone used one

02 December 2010 - 07:30 AM

just wondering if anyone has used a apexi avc before, just wirred one in, and having a liitle trouble, the display seems to display everything as working fine boost goes up to the wright pre setting, but it just feels as if theres no difference, shes only a stocko, but i was just looking at up'n the boost while i sort the other motor out, the apexi reads in kg cm2 crap which i set at .80 which i thought was about 11psi ? but doesnt feel any difference from before i fitted it.

did you have an existing boost gauge? did you know how much boost you were running prior to setting it to 11psi? if not, it could have already been running at 11psi or close to, ~10 psi which would make no noticeable difference

In Topic: Evo 1-3/VR4 Engine Swap into CE Coupe?

14 November 2010 - 07:17 AM

with the amount of money you will spend to put the earlier 4G63 in, you probably could have just bought a later 4G63 and put it in. Plus it'll be a newer motor and less headaches

Hey guys, as some of you may have seen in my ride thread, i will be doing an evo swap in the next 12-18months.

Now I know that evo 1-3/vr4 engines are LH mount as evo 4-6.5 are RH mount(or other way around?)
I was just curious as to whether or not it would be a huge hassle to to do such modifications to have a evo 1-3/vr4 setup in a CE coupe? and what would be involved?
The reason for this is that the earlier engines/half cuts are a lot cheaper to find so im told.

Or am I better off just getting an evo4-6.5 half cut that will practically bolt straight in with the minor mods to have it complete?

In Topic: evo's & vr4's with stance

17 October 2010 - 12:17 AM

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