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Member Since 03 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2019 01:18 AM

#310967 ECM vs Stand alone

Posted by EvoMayhem on 10 December 2014 - 12:07 AM

In ECMLink, you can not only change the knock count value that will trigger a CEL, but you can also command the ECU to ignore the knock sensor below a user set rpm threshold.

You just use the logs you record to determine if it's real or phantom knock that you're dealing with.

#250700 Gearbox/clutch issue

Posted by EvoMayhem on 16 February 2012 - 07:19 AM

the same concept for the braking system is use in a hydraulic clutch system the inside of a the clutch master is almost identical to the inside of a brake master

Yeah, they both have a plunger, and they both push fluid. That's where the similarities end. :lol:

In all seriousness, had he just said give the clutch master cylinder a hone, I'd have understood. Suggesting a brake cylinder hone, then go on about slave units, when it was stated that the master was leaking was the confusing part.

As such, the physical operation, manufacture, and concept of the parts has nothing to do with how his post ended up confusing me...

#250651 Gearbox/clutch issue

Posted by EvoMayhem on 15 February 2012 - 02:50 PM

Have to peel back the rubber boots to check they dry.
The o ring inside is pretty generic and are about $5.
You will need a brake cylinder hone as well for about $20.
Easy job, I sure there is a vfaq around

At risk of asking potentially a daft question, but why on earth would he need to have a 'brake cylinder hone', if his clutch master cylinder is leaking?

I think a new slave was about $35 at brake parts place. They are common as, and same as my proton, I suspect they are on sonata, magna, proton, etc.
My proton one was leaking with 80000k on it

As above, if it's the master cylinder leaking, why are you talking about prices for slave cylinders?

If I'm misunderstanding your posts, I apologise, but I just don't see the relevance in either of them.

As is, you can buy a master cylinder rebuild kit from Mitsi themselves, but if you go that route, I would suggest that you double check you have the correct master cylinder fitted for your car.

What I mean by this, is I went and bought a rebuild kit from a contact I have in Japan, at the same time as buying some other things. The rebuild kit didn't quite work with my master cylinder, and checking on ASA showed that a previous owner had replaced it with a different item from the factory supplied part.

I ended up just buying a complete new unit, but given that most folks haven't owned these things from fresh out the factory, we can't always guarantee that items like these are as factory intended.

#225611 Gearbox final drive mods...

Posted by EvoMayhem on 02 March 2011 - 03:50 PM

You're welcome.
Now you owe me a Rep point you buggar because as I was typing all that out for you, my Mrs got pissed off that I didnt go to bed with her :lol:



I'm now one happy Scotsman. :D Cheers to all who replied.