Another update
Trying to modify two cars at once. The xr6 turbo ute is taking all the money atm. Going for around 480rwhp next week with a rapid v3 kit...
Anyway, the pigma..
Fun stuff for the sigma. He sent me a free custom intake manifold and polished rocker cover!!! :D:D:D:D
VR4 Bigport head. Wild custom cams. BC valvesprings and retainers. Awesome port/polish job.
Bunch of cometic gaskets.
Exhaust flangeplate
Billet harmonic balancer
AEM fuel rail
AEM adjustable cam gears
Custom sheetmetal intake manifold. Matchported and flowed.
Big huge thanks to chris collier @ beyondthelimit.
Not using this intake manifold tho, got my JMF one. So if anyone is looking for a RWD 4g63 mani. To suit the bigport vr4 head. Give me a pm.
JMF Race RWD 4g63 intake manifold for the Pigma. And a free t-shirt.
Big thanks to jim. Easy as to order/pay/recieve.
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Member Since 06 Aug 2009Offline Last Active Aug 23 2011 03:13 AM