K, so what have you chaps done for manifolds? Keep in mind i'm using a GT35r or the Turbonetics equivelant. Haven't made up my mind yet.. Can get a 35r locally with warranty for $1600..
Also aiming for around the 500rwhp mark..
Intake i'm tossing up between JMF Race and Magnus Motorsports Street..
JMF - $593 USD.
Magnus Motorsports - $600 USD.
There's also a few others out there... But both of these come in a RWD application for no extra cost.
In ways of exhaust manifolds i want something decent. But don't want to pay around $1400 for a custom manifold.
So i'm going to buy a FWD one, extend the runners from the plate and flip it upside down. Add in some bracing and shazam.. I hope..
Got a mate whos an awesome welder with everything. And he likes beer :beer
Dark Performance - $480 USD.
Straight Line Specialties - $845USD.
DN Performance - $574 USD.
Ideas, past experiences etc etc please..
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