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Member Since 09 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2017 01:40 PM

In Topic: who wants to upgrade their ecmlite{e123/gsr} to the full version

01 September 2017 - 01:40 PM

Yeah, sorry, we've STILL not done anything on the full version for EVO1-3 ECUs.  Part of the problem, of course, is market size but that's not a big issue.  The biggest is that the EVO1-3 ECU is really *very* limited in I/O.  It's even worse than the 1G DSMs, which are seriously limited as well.  Porting full ECMLink to the EVO1-3 ECU is just hard to justify on those grounds alone.  I guess the stuff like expanded fuel and timing limits and boost control and ethanol sensor support...yeah, I guess that all makes sense.  But the biggest limitation people run into with ECMLink is the lack of logging inputs and the EVO1-3 ECU is the worst of the worst on that front.


Still...I guess I listed enough stuff above that would be a net win in having full anyway even without more logging inputs.  You can still run SD and use programmable outputs for whatever and run an ethanol sensor, etc.  I guess it makes sense but then I haven'd had time to release any big updates to our main DSM product in a few years much less switch over to debugging a different platform again.  And the last (small) update I did do for ECMLink ended up being a debugging nightmare because each version (1G, 2G, lite, full, Evo1-3) had a few little unique quirks that I didn't catch in testing.  So the thought of trying to port a big batch of code over to a different ECU does scare me a bit.