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Member Since 09 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2017 01:40 PM

#338712 who wants to upgrade their ecmlite{e123/gsr} to the full version

Posted by twdorris on 01 September 2017 - 01:40 PM

Yeah, sorry, we've STILL not done anything on the full version for EVO1-3 ECUs.  Part of the problem, of course, is market size but that's not a big issue.  The biggest is that the EVO1-3 ECU is really *very* limited in I/O.  It's even worse than the 1G DSMs, which are seriously limited as well.  Porting full ECMLink to the EVO1-3 ECU is just hard to justify on those grounds alone.  I guess the stuff like expanded fuel and timing limits and boost control and ethanol sensor support...yeah, I guess that all makes sense.  But the biggest limitation people run into with ECMLink is the lack of logging inputs and the EVO1-3 ECU is the worst of the worst on that front.


Still...I guess I listed enough stuff above that would be a net win in having full anyway even without more logging inputs.  You can still run SD and use programmable outputs for whatever and run an ethanol sensor, etc.  I guess it makes sense but then I haven'd had time to release any big updates to our main DSM product in a few years much less switch over to debugging a different platform again.  And the last (small) update I did do for ECMLink ended up being a debugging nightmare because each version (1G, 2G, lite, full, Evo1-3) had a few little unique quirks that I didn't catch in testing.  So the thought of trying to port a big batch of code over to a different ECU does scare me a bit.

#184885 Faildatalogs are fail

Posted by twdorris on 30 January 2010 - 10:16 PM

I was asked to take a look at this thread. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep checking back in regularly, so you might want to start a thread on our support forums if you haven't already.

I agree all that knock retard at part throttle seems like phantom knock to me. Any time you're getting 13 degrees of knock retard with only 11% throttle and still under vacuum, something's wrong. I'm hoping some of the recent mechanical items you're addressing will help fix that.

What I can't explain, though, is why this would be any different now versus when you had the factory chip installed. Can you re-install that factory ECU and see if the thing drives better? I'd be very interested in knowing if anything is really different. Certainly this is atypical behavior, of course.

The knock retard at full throttle is bit harder to dismiss without some data. I would agree with the previous poster that you should try the EVO8 mod1 tables. If that helps, great. If not, try pull another 8-12 degrees of timing manually using the timing sliders on the ECU Config tab (easier than the direct access table). If that STILL doesn't change knock retard at full throttle, then something non-tuning related is ticking off the knock sensor and you will at least know where to focus your efforts.

Hope that helps,

Thomas Dorris
ECMTuning, Inc.