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Member Since 16 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2014 04:08 AM

In Topic: new to this

18 September 2009 - 04:02 PM

haha im gona pop ur little bubble it was a r32 gtst 4 skyline with a rb 30 block with a 2.5litre head with a scania 440hp turbo on the side

In Topic: Urgent!!!! Vr4 front brake hose

18 September 2009 - 03:55 PM

which ever is the quickest probly standard better but if some one has braided and is looking to get rid ov them then yea...

and also would rather be around perth area so i can pick them up but if over east yea as well ill pay postage

thanks heaps

In Topic: new to this

18 September 2009 - 11:14 AM

320 kw through a cheap clutch 3rd gear stand still a mix ov every thing made it go bang

hey off the topic does eny body have a spare front right brake hose for a vr4 if so please let me know... please help

In Topic: whos keen for a cruise

21 August 2009 - 11:57 AM

yea targa west was mean for the first day {friday 21st} no crashes yet not that i saw zig zag was awsome 1st time ive been and seen them race up the hill tomoro should be good....

In Topic: Wrecking 150xxx km White Galant Vr4

18 August 2009 - 06:37 AM

need a bit more than that....