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Member Since 25 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2015 07:57 AM

In Topic: Misfire Issue

05 October 2010 - 04:43 AM

I took it down to my mechanic this morning and three of my cylinders are reading about 175-180psi and the cylinder in question has no compression what so ever. He has basically said he thinks i have damaged the piston or the valves but couldn't tell exactly until he took the head off. Looks like I now have to decide whether to spend the money to replace the motor, rebuild or cut my losses and buy a new car.

In Topic: Misfire Issue

03 October 2010 - 10:12 PM

hey does it do it when it cold? if it only does it when its hot i would say its one of the coils. mine done the same thing on a really hot day and hasn't done it since. i played around with in and noticed one of the coils didn't have as much spark as the other.

No it does it all the time even once it has warmed up

How much boost or power are you making?

On a 4g63 when you get up around 20psi you need to gap them slightly closer than how the plugs come. A lot of guys on the link forums are gaping to 0.7mm, i had to do this to as it would misfire when gaped to 0.8mm

I'd imagine a 4G93 would be in a similar boat.

Other wise i think there's a way you can check the resistance on your ignition coils

I'm not running any boost, sorry didn't mention its a CB GSR Naturally Aspirated.

Hopefully I can get it to the mechanic today and see what they say.

In Topic: Misfire Issue

03 October 2010 - 04:02 AM

Changed all my plugs didn't help. I also had a look at my radiator fluid while the car was running and I noticed some bubbles on the surface and some also rising up.
I think I will go and get the compression tested in the next couple of days unless someone has any other ideas.

In Topic: Misfire Issue

01 October 2010 - 09:32 PM

time for a compression test mate. if that pot is low, it is time for a rebuild

OK I'll have to get it checked out then, cheers mate.

In Topic: 1994 GSR

13 September 2010 - 06:10 AM

Nice looking car. Saw from your avatar you ride, that one major thing that puts me off upgrading from my cb gsr to a cc gsr cant see how I'll fit the bikes in without a rack and wouldnt want to risk the paint. Where abouts do you ride?