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Member Since 29 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2007 03:36 PM

wtb asap evo 4-6.5 tie rod

26 August 2006 - 04:45 AM

as above guys need one asap pm me for a price your after

p.s if you know where i can get one from pm me (and i dont want to go tech sport)

rebirth of my car yo !

22 July 2006 - 12:19 PM



waiting to go out and got nothing to do so il post two pics of my car. car is dirty and hasnt been washed for over a month.

cheers Joe-ness

S & P Automotive Engineering Pty Ltd

30 June 2006 - 08:34 AM

S & P Automotive Engineering Pty Ltd

Our Services and what we guarantee!

With qualified Automotive Engineers backed by years of experience your repairs, engine conversions or modifications will be done with utmost professionalism to ensure complete satisfaction.

'If we can't fix it, there is no charge'

We take pride in our work where 'if we can't fix it, then there is no charge'. Whether it is repairing, converting or modifying your car, the services we offer are guaranteed by our workmanship.

'Fixed price quotations'

Having a problem? Thinking about a conversion? Need more power? If you live in Melbourne, then we can arrange an inspection and offer you a 'fixed price quotation' on our labour. This means that if we offer you a quote, then that is the final price on the labour. If you can't bring the car to us for an inspection, then for a small fee we will come to you during after hours.

I highly recommend Sonny and Peter because I have had no problems with my car and in the stage of planning bigger things. Reasonable in price, the best service and quality by far and loves his beers.

edit: just got off the phone with Sonny and he has told me that if you mention team4g then he is willing to give a further discount. :P

Steering Rack

06 June 2006 - 08:16 AM

anyone knows what will fit in a evo 4 ? im having a hard time getting one.
i was thinking one out of a normal lancer but not sure ...any help ?

cheers Joe

think your 4G is fast? click here

01 June 2006 - 04:17 AM


thats some crazy ass shit there .