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Member Since 07 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2011 09:19 AM

Vr4 tailshaft

04 March 2011 - 09:14 AM

Does anyone have a vr4 88 jspec tailshaft. Not sure if they are the same as the aus spec ones. Prefferably in adelaide.


04 February 2011 - 07:25 AM

Hey guys, i found a thread about this ecu but didn't really give me a clear answer.
MD150427 - e2t36173 AR 4818 from a RS jspec 199O vr4.
Just want to know if this is an eprom model that can be socketed. The one currently on my car is MD150427 - e2t36173 that has been socketed and chipped but has some issues with it that's why i want to replace it.

Please help us out whether this ecu mentioned can be socketed or not as the guy i am about to buy it from said that it's a non eprom one.i wonder if there are the same ecu part numbers ( eprom/ non eprom models) that came out. I have asked him to take a photo of the ecu so i can compare it with mine.



Vr4 ecu

01 February 2011 - 12:38 PM

Does anyone have a single board vr4 ecu for sale?

Check engine light comes on while driving

02 June 2010 - 12:47 PM

I have been having this problem today while i'm driving, the check engine light and cat converter light comes on then engine hesitates while diving. It comes on every now and then..I can hear the relay clicking below the ecu. I'm really worrying again as this might be another problem, any ideas what's wrong with it??? Vr4 88 jspec with single board ecu.

J-spec clutch master cylinder

12 May 2010 - 03:36 AM

Just wondering if the J-spec clutch master cylinder is the same as the A-spec ones, mine is leaking on the rod where the rubber boot is. Any ideas on how to solve this.