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Member Since 15 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2009 07:25 AM

94 GSR power steering pump

06 October 2009 - 10:49 AM

hey peeps, just seeing if somone has a 94 GSR power steering pump

WTD, RH CV for 94 GSR

30 September 2009 - 11:54 AM

as above, located in sydney west. pick up or ill pay for postage, i dont mind as long as its a good price and good condition.
pm.reply.or call

red lug nuts, and genuin evo 2 or 3 front bar..

26 September 2009 - 03:56 AM

hey peeps, just looking for RED LUG nuts to fit my GSR. i found some at CARMATE but they do not fit my wheels as the holes where the nuts go on are too small.
aslo lookiing for a genuin evo2 or evo3 front bar. dont care on condition, as long as its not fully killed and is for a good price




26 September 2009 - 03:47 AM

hey guys new into the GSR world.. had about 30 other cars befor this, anything from PIMPED, FAST, DRIFR to MEAN 4WD and im pretty inpressed of what they have to offer, and its pretty hard for me to say that cus iv owned a TT GTO, 32 GTR, s14 only to name a few of my past boosted rides
got my self a 94 GSR. pretty much stock appart from a cannon and FMIC and BOV, its running stock boost and stock exhaust.
in my life and knolage of turbo cars, i have never knew that adding a FMIC would make it go soo much harder.
as from my knolage, the FMIC is just to add cooler for the turbo, meaning adding more boost making more power. when i slapped the FMIC on the day i got it and took it for a spin, it really put a smile on my face.. :w00t:

rough idle and fast gear change issue (NOOB)

25 September 2009 - 10:53 PM

hi guys, just got my self a 94 gsr, and having a idling issue, and YES i have used the search button. but i can only find info on cars that are having LOW idle problems.
mine sits a bout 1100-1200 and hunts to almost 2000.
has someone come across this problem,
also i notice i cant change gears fast whist in high revs, WTF, its hard to put into the next gear. but it changes smoothly when driving normally.

