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Member Since 18 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2017 09:49 AM

CC GSR 93t, Idle drop off when warm

07 November 2015 - 12:59 AM

Okay guys,


finally got around to replacing the crank shaft and all that and shes running like a dream ( at first )


after she primes she starts and idles fantastic , very responsive etc


when she gets to the operating temp, if i drive upto the lights, drop out of gear and the idle drops off and hunts for about 5 seconds then dies if it dont give it juice, getting real tired of hovering the accelerator at the lights and even more frustrating when she stalls.


Not sure if its the ISC or maybe a setting inside the haltech e8.


Any advice is appriciated

4g93t crank gear fitting

14 August 2015 - 11:52 PM

G'day all.

After ny keyway key go again it spun the debre around the end of the crank shaft and busted pretty much everything. I've got a new gear and harmonic balancer and new thicker keyway. When I go fitting the gear with or without the woodruff key, the gear is very hard to push on. I'm stuck between taking the sand paper to the crank end of a file to the gear to get a better fit. Should these be an interference fit or just slide on and off?