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fat tony

fat tony

Member Since 25 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2010 02:11 AM

Excessive fuel consumption

12 November 2009 - 09:18 PM

I know I'm supposed to reach around 400 to the tank... I have a malpassi fuel pressure reg, and all runs quite
smoothly, but I reach around 200 kms to a full tank WTF?

not sparking

16 October 2009 - 04:21 AM

hey i know its porbly been covered but i couldnt find it in search.

ok im not getting a spark, its not the coil packs or leads or ecu as i checked them ith a friends gsr,

oh by the way its a cc gsr with 4g93t,
what else could it be?

shameless plug....

08 October 2009 - 08:16 AM

been talking to a guy from sports classic lately just wondering if anybody is aware of theis place, located in castlereagh nsw they are a specialist wrecker of nissan datsun and ofcourse mitsubishi... these guys are hard core mitsubishi enthusiasts and have pretty much any part u are in need of... in there workshop they have their own toys... a full built rally evo 4 some hard core rally vr4s, and a few other drool machines...

[email protected]
02 47761174
0418 284 776

look em up if u need anything
i thoroughly recomend em

Itchin for a meet up????

26 September 2009 - 09:06 AM

Dunno bout u guys, but round my area (penrith) there doesnt seem to be a whole lot of nice gsrs, vr4s, and only a handful of evos....
I propose a meetup in the west syd area... im itchin to see some more hard core enthusiasts and their rides... wana meet n greet and exchange knowledge and ideas... fuck just wanna have a bit of fun...

WHOS IN?????????

hey fellas

25 September 2009 - 01:42 AM

hey thanks for the awesome site been using for a while to find info finally got round to joining... i know a bit slack but hey...
have had a 94 cc gsr for about 5 months now wanted one for years.. previous rides are ... cb lancer, honda prelude 92, 98 subaru liberty, sw20 mr2, massively overkill suzuki sierra, sr20det 180sx, and finally my pride and joy

so far only mods are 3 inch straight thru turbo back exhaust, boost controller set to 15 psi, 18 inch rims, boost guage etc, evo 3 front bar which some tool chopped the lip off... have a fmic ready to go on just gotta get some piping... aahh cant think of what else.... oh lowered on pedders shocks and kingys.... if i think of anything else ill let u know...

p.s whats the easiest way to get more bang out of the 4g93? im lookin into a td05 but what else can i do? id rather stay true to the 1.8 if i was to go to a 2ltr id rather sell mine and buy one already done its cheaper in the long run....Attached File  rice n rally 005.jpg   46.05KB   102 downloads