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Member Since 25 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2009 03:59 AM

intercooler piping/core

15 October 2009 - 06:55 AM

hey guys i was wondering if it would be worth upgrading the intercooler and piping.as i noticed the piping on my evo is a bit on the small side but ive hear the smaller the pipes the less lag which is a good thing.what do you guys think?

cracked head?

08 October 2009 - 04:07 AM

hey guys i resently just got myself a evo and while i was muching around with it i noticed a crack in the rocker cover anyone now where to find a replacement or get it fixed in auckland? cheers

new car :D

06 October 2009 - 08:47 AM

hey guys just brought my self a lovley evo II heres a few more atm its de-regd but well get in on the road soon :DAttached File  5065457_6563329.jpg   12.87KB   143 downloads

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