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Member Since 27 Sep 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2015 12:22 PM

old member rejoining

04 October 2015 - 10:22 AM

Hi all,


It's been a while ( a long, long while.....) so I thought I'd do a re-introduction post  :drool:


I am Peter, I'm from Perth, Western Australia, and I have 3 Evos- an Evo III RS, an Evo III GSR, and an Evo 8MR.


The Evo III RS got pranged at Targa 2-3 years ago so I will be wrecking it and selling off the bits.


The Evo 8MR will be put up for sale as it is surplus to my changed circumstances.


But the lovely dandelion yellow Evo III GSR is a keeper and I will be focusing all my attention on it. I have plans.......


Nothing too radical as I am happy enough with the Evo III GSR in the almost stock condition she is now in. Perhaps a decent sound system and some cosmetic stuff. It has DMS 50 coilovers as its only departure from stock, and I have a set of 16" Advan Dirt Rally rims with R comps (she runs 17" Enkei WRC Tarmacs usually, plus I still have the original OZ Evo III rims). This is going to remain a weekend car, with the occasional '"round the witches' hats" semi motorsport outing. Every time I drive her, I feel like I am piloting a piece of automobile royalty. They are not making cars like this any longer. Some would say that the Mercedes AMG 45 is the spiritual successor to the early Evos but I'd say they were wrong. As much as I would not say no if someone offered me a free AMG 45, I'd have to say the III GSR with DMS 50s is the go. Hey! I can run over a 20c piece in the III GSR and tell you whether its heads or tails.



