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Member Since 05 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2017 05:24 AM

In Topic: Evo 1/2/3 front guards & Aluminium bonnet

02 June 2017 - 05:25 AM

Hi guys, Sorry for taking so long to update this post. Had to relocate to Melbourne in early January for work, and haven't had time to deal with the parts.


Everything is still available and for sale.


However, all parts are still back in Adelaide. so It might take a bit of patience on any potential buyer's part for me to get someone back in Adelaide to organise packing & shipping, etc.

In Topic: Genuine Evo 1/2/3 guards & bonnet / Bilstein racing coilovers

17 July 2016 - 10:36 AM

Hi guys,


Sorry for not responding to PMs, etc - I've been overseas without internet connectivity for the past couple of weeks, but I'm back now.


All items listed still for sale at present.


PMs responded to.

In Topic: Genuine Evo 1/2/3 guards & bonnet / Bilstein racing coilovers

03 June 2016 - 01:48 AM



Prices for for all items now reduced.