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Member Since 05 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2017 05:24 AM

#329844 Genuine Evo 1/2/3 guards & bonnet / Bilstein racing coilovers

Posted by boostboy76 on 09 May 2016 - 11:37 PM

Location is: Adelaide, S.A.


  • Genuine aluminium Evo 2/3 bonnet (Excellent condition - would need to be sprayed to match car) - $500 $450 FIRM





  • Brand new genuine Evo 2/3 guards (Yep, brand new, still in the genuine Mitsi boxes - one has been opened by me to inspect part.) - $700 $600 for the pair- FIRM







  • Set of Bilstein racing coilovers - took them off car as they are just too firm for me in my use of the car as a daily driver. Would be excellent for track work though - $800 $700


  • Genuine MOMO leather steering wheel and genuine MOMO Boss (Evo 1/2/3/CC GSR) - $100 $80 for both


#314416 95 GSR Rolling shell Brisbane

Posted by boostboy76 on 25 February 2015 - 11:49 AM

Looks gorgeous - great to see the GSR's done right!

  • ted likes this


Posted by boostboy76 on 11 August 2014 - 12:14 PM

^ +1 for Kando Dynamic

#305130 Mats gsr cd5a

Posted by boostboy76 on 30 July 2014 - 10:46 AM

So many GSR's have been trashed by young guys & girls with hideous taste in car mods, i.e. 18" Chrome rims, fake fur stuck to the dash, vent to atmosphere BOVs, etc


Good to see one being de-riced and returned to it's former glory. Looks great! :thumbsup:

#304448 4g63 lancer gsr for parts

Posted by boostboy76 on 17 July 2014 - 10:07 AM

Rust on the roof is a defect? Shit we're all doomed!!  :P

#287755 RES ART Stainless Exhaust Manifold Covers

Posted by boostboy76 on 30 October 2013 - 09:20 AM

Had a set of Resart scuff plates on the door sills of my Evo 8 - Great quality.

#287506 1993 GSR $6000neg

Posted by boostboy76 on 27 October 2013 - 05:32 AM

Is this car still for sale - Gumtree ad has been removed?

#231250 what tunes you got playing ?

Posted by boostboy76 on 08 May 2011 - 11:46 AM

*cringes horrifically* amazing how many young white kids think they are black these days....:P :rolleyes:

I'm proper "old school" before that meant music less than 5 years old so:

Rage Against the machine

Peal Jam

Metallica (anything prior to and including the Balck albumn - after that it just isn't the same)

Foo fighters


Hilltop Hoods

*Some* dance tracks, that take me back to my teen clubbing days :P

#222741 Car Care

Posted by boostboy76 on 27 January 2011 - 10:48 AM

I use the Meguire's clay when I really want to "go to town" on my car.

If you've cleaned your car, and think it's an awesome job, try gently running your fingernails over the paint.

Feel all those little gritty bumps as you do it? That's all of the contaminants that no amount of washing will remove - they've practically "bonded" to your paint.

The clay simply allows you to remove these "bonded" contaminants from the paint, leaving it with that "smooth as glass" feel.

It takes a fair while, but if you see doing this as part of a "major service" of your paintwork (i.e. do it every 4-6 months) contaminants will find it harder to bond to your paint, and your car will stay clean looking for longer

I usually:

1) Wash and chamois the car (changing the water frequently, and don't dip your sponge in the bottom 3rd of the water in the bucket - that's where all the dirt is, and you'll simply be rubbing this all over your duco if you do.

2) Use a paint cleaner to prepare the surface (I use Meguire's paint cleaner)

3) Do the "fingernail test" if the test returns "positive" - clay away, one panel at a time until you get that smooth as glass feel. If you notice the clay is getting dirty, just knead it until it disappears and continue.

4) Polish the car with a high quality polish - the most common mistake is too use too much, but in fact being quite stingy returns the best results. Also, never pour the polish directly onto the paintwork - always pour it onto an applicator pad first, then apply that to the paintwork using small, circular strokes, working on one section at a time.

5) Buff off, using only a 100% cotton terry toweling cloth. If you get any sort of residue build up on the cloth, change to a clean one.

6) Apply a high quality carnuba wax to the entire paintwork, i.e. Mequire's, Zymol, etc as per steps 4 & 5. This forms a hard exterior shell for the paintwork, that protects the cleaned, polished surface from contaminants (i.e. it's harder for contaminants to bond to the paintwork), and stops it getting dirty as quickly , and makes it much easier to clean for the next few washes if done properly.

#219106 Engineering our cars!

Posted by boostboy76 on 14 December 2010 - 11:07 PM

I think that's BS unfortunately, any road registered car that drives on public roads can be defected.

+1 to jase's comment. The police over here know jack-shit about cars, they're certainly not going to know anything about engineering certification and ADR compliance.

All they have to do is have "reasonable suspicion" that a car is unsafe, even if you have engineering certificates up the wahzoo, and it's off to Regency you go.

Unless you're a bikie or a Falcadore owner that is!

I hear Harleys and V8's that must be puting out 130db just idling down a side street and Cops never give them a second glance!

However, just sit what they consider a "teenagers" car i.e. 4-Cylinder/Rotary and their all over you!

Typical Bullies. They like picking on people who they know can't fight back, 'cos it makes them feel big. Don't want to pick on a bikie in case he smashes them!

#216195 aftermarket spoilers

Posted by boostboy76 on 05 November 2010 - 11:27 AM

Unfortunately, even with an engineer's certificate, a police officer still has the legal right to defect a vehicle for anything that constitutes "reasonable grounds" with regards to something about the vehicle making it unroadworthy.

"Define reasonable grounds!?" I hear you say -

- whatever the police officer feels constitutes reasonable grounds at the time of inspecting your vehicle.

It's one of those great laws that is unclear, and interpretation will always fall on the side of the legislator, or the people enforcing it.

I know it sucks balls, and educated car enthusiasts are being unfairly tarred with the "Hoon" brush, but If they want to defect your vehicle, they will. I'm afraid arguing, even if you are in the right, will only make things worse.

You'll just get defected for more than the original item you started out with.

I know quite a few cops, and believe me, attitude can make a difference between getting a TIN (Traffic Infringement Notice) or just a verbal warning.

Maybe this is true with defects as well?

moral of the story. do not install aluminium wings.

I have to agree. Not because of taste, but because of the kind of unwanted attention it will attract from the police.

#212379 Just another CC GSR

Posted by boostboy76 on 23 September 2010 - 10:43 AM

Definitely not "Just another GSR" if you ask me - absolutely gorgeous looking car mate! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hope mine ends up looking like that one day!

#208307 SOLD: EVO1 GSR

Posted by boostboy76 on 13 August 2010 - 10:33 AM

Now that's more like it!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

A picture speaks a thousand words - looks clean as!!

#207814 WTF is with the admin team

Posted by boostboy76 on 09 August 2010 - 12:29 PM

Maybe the new Forum engine doesn't cater for this functionality in the same way the old one did?

I don't know the ins & outs of it all, but as an IT Systems Administrator, I know a cut-over like this never runs as smoothly as it looks on paper.

I wouldn't have thought moving from the old forum engine to this one was a simple straight swap, feature for feature, and all they had to do was import the old data?

Maybe it is that simple? I'm not claiming to be an expert by any stretch, just trying to get members to see the other side of the coin.

It may not be just a matter of enabling the "Private" section either, especially if the new forum engine doesn't have that module or facility,

If the capability for this doesn't exist in the new forum engine, the admins would have to:

1.) Code a custom module for it (and they could quite rightly tell you to go f*ck yourself if you expect that).

2.) Pay the forum engine developers to develop the module (see 1. unless you're prepared to pay for the added functionality)

3) Wait to see if a future release of the forum engine has this functionality added.

As you should have read in Dean's post, there were a number of reasons for the change, it wasn't just the admin team going "f*ck it, let's fiddle around with things for the sake of it".