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Member Since 05 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2007 03:46 AM

Look what I found at work today :P

07 December 2006 - 08:29 AM


ROFL Fully Sik Plates

29 November 2006 - 07:58 AM

Sorry if its anyone on here selling, but I highly doubt that


Stock ecu question Re: e2

07 November 2006 - 12:44 AM

Hey Guys, just wondering what the part/model number is of a stock evo 1 2 or 3 ecu is.

My car fired up, but runs rich as hell, and the numbers dont seem to be right.

Anyone know?

Cheers guys.


Evo 2 - Slowely getting there - UPDATED

23 October 2006 - 05:57 AM


So My evo.

evo 2

Purchased it off Evolutionary with a blown engine some time ago, just been saving and slowely tinkering with it as we get time.

So far we have:
Brand new 2nd hand crank :P
New clutch
Ross pistons
ARP screw in studs
whoop di doo bearings
pair of 264/272 ish cams (see how they go)
Had the lot balanced/tested etc
gt25 turbo
stainless manifold
3" exhaust
HKS pod-ish filter
new alternator
new starter motor
new water pump
new harmonic balancer (smaller better one apparently...)
there is more but i cant think at the moment.

Pretty mild setup really, should go ok though... Will chuck an aftermarket ecu in her mid next year when I have some more money again.

As of this weekend, we have an engine in the hole!
Hopefully wont be too long b4 she is back on the road.