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hehe..nope. im still thinking bout it.. only stock n/a i think.. maybe 4g92 dohc mivec.. coz my car from 1.3 body n chassis.. not strong enough.. any engine suggestion guys for my car?
hi an welcome man, me an the missus have been talking bout a holiday in malaysia for a few weeks now, lookin at this time next year, but yea enjoy ya stay here man, theres a wealth of knowledge here!!
hehe thnx byby5l... let me know if u in malaysia.. we can hang out together..
how hard is it to fit the GSR jap spec climate control ?
thnx to all mate in aussie.. back to malaysia we use to call it digital aircond.. for the gsr jap spec everything is plug n play to the proton satria n wira chasis..mine from evo||| model.. only have additional sensor n relay with some kind of motor blower..i guess.newbie.. correct me if im wrong..