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Member Since 22 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2010 10:33 AM

oil pump??

18 January 2010 - 07:49 AM

hey every one its been awhile since i have been on here im still trying to find an oil pump for my 4G93T any one got one or know where i can get one would be much appreciated. cheers

Looking for oil pump

07 December 2009 - 09:03 AM

does anybody know where i can get a oil pump (casing and gears included) for my 4G93T other then genuine??

Moved to correct section

oil pressure issue

07 November 2009 - 12:50 PM

i have a 4g93t in my lancer coupe the oil light takes around 30 seconds to turn off on first start up only if the car has been sitting around for awhile i have checked with a oil presssure gauge the is no oil pressure and then its there all of a sudden. ideas any one???