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Member Since 10 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2009 01:28 AM

Your new & used EVO contact: Marty @ Knox

10 November 2009 - 05:33 AM

Hi all...I've been invited here By Trav who is the spare parts guru here at Knox Mitsubishi - Melbourne. I'm the EVO & Ralliart Specialist...

In the last 17 years I've been the specialist for some great performance car manufacturers like HSV and Subaru...

But I still remember when I drove my first EVO...The 6.5 I've pictured...And I've never looked back...What a weapon...My face was moving around like Clarkson in an ATOM...

If anyone is looking for a deal on a new X or our Limited selection of used IX's then drop me a line on 0438 699 118 :thumbsup: