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Member Since 11 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Private

EVO 4 Coilovers

28 March 2010 - 01:23 PM

Just blew my front coilovers in an accident. If anyone has a pair of evo 4 front coilovers (and sway bar if possible), pm me.

V i s h s' mirage~

17 January 2010 - 12:21 AM

Hi all, I'm new here.
Thought I'd put in my ride seeing as I've been a member here for a bit.

Mitsubishi Mirage 1998
4g15 1.5L

-Custom air intake.
-K&N air filter
-Cusco catch can

-Cluster dash with blue led
-Razo gear knob
-FTO seats(not installed yet)

-Front lip
-Smoked headlight and rear tail light.

Wheels and suspension
-15" alloy wheels, painted in gunmetal.
-Ksport coilovers(not fitted yet)

-Panasonic head unit
-Kicker comp sub
-Kicker zx350.4 amplifier
-Pioneer 6x9"

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Where to have aftermarket seats installed?

29 December 2009 - 12:46 PM

Hey guys,

Currently have a pair of FTO seats lying around and wanting it installed in my mirage soon. They don't bolt straight on so I'll need the rails customized to fit or have tabs made up. Quick question, where exactly can I have this fitted? Engineer certificate preferably... I would want to do it myself but I run the risk of getting defected or my own life on the line :unsure:, so I'll rather pay for it done.