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Member Since 14 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2010 01:24 AM

4g63 into a..... (insert car here)

28 November 2009 - 02:28 AM

hey everyone, my modded van just burned to the ground, the motor seems to be ok... what light weight RWD cars can i put the 4g63t into? its bad enough that i list the van dont wanna toss the motor...

4g63t mitsubishi express problems

19 November 2009 - 05:03 AM

i am having a few problems getting my 4g63t up and running.

the first is the fact that i have absolutly no idea where all the vacume lines go to... if someone could point me in the way of a diagram to help that would be good.

the second... the car motor runs sweet (with boost cut/safe mode) when the afm is not pluged in, but runs like a dog when it is and cuts out with no throttle...

what problems could cause this? appart from the afm...

the evo van!

19 November 2009 - 04:55 AM

i am building a 1993 mitsubishi express running a 4G63T, it is sedate, no blow off valve, no external waste gate, and when im finished it will have sign wrighting all over it...

im a locksmith by trade and im starting my own business... what a better way to advertise my business than with a quick van that i can race at the creek and work all day with...

as for now the van boasts a standard 4G63T with the factory TD05 turbo, lowered with standard steel wheels.

im going to eventually run an after market computer and a BEE*R rev limiter plus a turbo upgrade with an external waste gate and a spooled 28 spline boargwarner...
here are some pics.

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4g63t mitsubishi express project

14 November 2009 - 05:07 AM

hey every one, im building a 93 mitsubishi express with a 4g63t. the conversion was already started when i bought the van, motor installed and apparently running.

i ran into a snag with the water lines... just need to sort out where they all run to... i think i have it covered but will let you all kno when im done...

cant seem to figure out why the fuel pump will not work either... thats a whole other problem...