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Member Since 17 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2012 12:02 AM

Techsport's new address

31 May 2011 - 11:48 AM

Techsport has moved to their new premises at 29, Michellan Court, Bayswater, VICTORIA.
Tel: 03-9720 9300

Spotted some nice Evos in Melbourne CBD in the weekend

18 April 2011 - 02:12 AM

  • Spotted two other white evos on centre road, Clayton: Evo VII, VIII GSR
  • Spotted yellow evo VII on a'beckett street, CBD
  • Spotted white CP9A on elizabeth street with a nice mitsubishi logo on the bonnet - very raw look :) Can anyone please tell me if it's an Evo 5 or 6?
Posted Image

On another note, should we have a "spotted" sub forum by states? :)

Near new DEFI gauges, controllers and sensors spotted!

23 March 2011 - 11:00 PM

hey, guys!

Spotted a near new set of DEFI gauges, controllers and sensors (basically the complete set) in http://www.realautop...om.au/parts/109
selling for a good price!

Alternative horns for our Evos?

10 March 2011 - 07:12 AM

hi, guys,

Here's a video of the mad range of horns they sold in Super Auto Bacs, Tokyo
The coolest thing about it was that you could demo it

The "PIAA" one at 0.20 sounded alright :)

Which one did you think sounded good?

Video here

Enjoy :)

Spotted an Evolution IX MR in Japan :)

28 February 2011 - 06:51 AM

hey, guys :)

I spotted an Evolution IX MR while I was walking around Akhibahara, Tokyo :)

Here's a video :)
