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Member Since 17 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2010 10:24 PM

In Topic: Hills Cruise 30th Jan

25 January 2010 - 08:05 PM

personally i think the best time to start that cruise is about 7AM so u r finished by say 10-12 and miss all the traffic.

I'm in bed by 9:00 most nights ^_^

In Topic: Christmas Cruise '09 Pics thread/Aftermath

13 December 2009 - 11:24 PM

Post away fellas :)

I've uploaded my pics to:
Click on the 'Team4G Xmas Cruise 2009' link...

More of the same, but if anyone wants to look at them, please do!

Amazing turnout!!
Best I've ever been a part of :thumbsup:
Thx to the organisers.

In Topic: 4GTuner Christmas Cruise, Sunday 13/12/09

26 November 2009 - 10:41 PM

No problemo dude- this is going to be one awesome cruise!

What is your estimate for the number of attendees ?? :P

In Topic: Howdy, from a new member in Kew...

20 November 2009 - 11:25 PM

Welcome! I have seen your car once on Johnson St Abbotsford- plates give you away!

Grey is my pick of the colours! How do you like the 4cylinder turbo 4WD compared to the V8's? When (and who) managed to make you jump ship over to Mitsi??

I drive along Johnson St a fair bit. Next time you see me, flash your lights!!

Yes, after deciding on an VIII MR the colour choice was easy. The 'medium purplish grey mica' is the best option.

It takes a bit of getting used to the lack of low down torque in the Evo and having to keep the boost up to get the perfomance. But the Evo is by far the better car to drive (now that I have learned its attributes).

Porsche's are an old mans sports car.
Evo's are for people that love to drive their car!

I've always admired the Mitsubishi Evolution. It took no convincing me. I just came to my senses.

The 928 is a money pit and in the end, the expense of owning it outweighed the joy in driving it.


In Topic: Howdy, from a new member in Kew...

20 November 2009 - 04:05 AM

How many KW is it making?
I assume you are running it on 98octane aswell? I think 100octane is accessible down your neck of the woods.
Get some pics up!

~180 KW ATW on the second dyno run.

Yes, 98. Apparently there is some 100 around, but not sure where. I'll have to investigate!

I do have some pics up!
(you didn't even look, now did you :P)