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Member Since 30 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2013 02:28 AM

FS: 4G63 Cylinder head.

15 November 2012 - 01:40 AM


I have a 4G63 Cylinder head in good condition.
Came off a 4G63 from EVO 6 (However 4G63 EVO 4-8 are the same).
Comes with the camshafts (removed in the pictures).
Just been sitting around gathering dust.

Located Brisbane, CBD.

FS: 4G63 Forged Pistons & Rods.

15 October 2012 - 01:06 AM


SCAT H-BEAM CONRODS with ARP 2000 Rod bolts.

Part number: 2-5906-1771-1038-866
Big end weight: 432.
Small end weight: 176.


Part number: 208-477.

Compression: 9:5:1.

Bore size: 85.5mm
More info: http://www.jepistons...cts/208477.aspx

I paid $1,200 express posted from the US for these however am negotiable for a quick sale.
Location: Brisbane CBD.
Happy to post interstate also.

Contact: Paul - 0403 225 889.
If I don't answer, send a text message.