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Member Since 03 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2009 05:09 PM

In Topic: RWD GSR ???

21 December 2009 - 05:05 PM

iv seen this done in a couple of ways (in vr4s and evos I assume gsr would work just as well)
the first (and easiest) is to pull the front shafts and weld the centre diff shut (and usually the rear diff for drifting) this is obviously pretty hard on rear diffs but as long as ur power levels aren't too crazy and your not running too sticky a tire it could last :D

the second is to turn the engine north south with custom mounts and build a rwd driveline to suit (series 6 RX7 or possibly R33 skyline?) obviously this is very expensive and time consuming.

For drifting personally id recommend grabbing an S13 or even R33 as theyre available very cheap now and modification is cheap and easy :D

either way have fun drifting's the most fun you can have haha

In Topic: epic boost problem (20psi+!!!)

13 December 2009 - 11:18 PM

I have yet to see one of the cheap ebay 16G knock off turbo's last more than 1000kms (See my signature, I have helped people removed two if these which were stuffed within a couple a hundred kms), let alone 100 000kms that a genuine Mitsi one will.

If you are going to sell it, whack a standard 14b dump pipe on it, return the boost down to 12psi or so and you won't have the creep problems.

Yes I completely agree that a standard mitsi turbo is ideal but its just too much cash for me to fork out :(

I'm not sure you fully understand the problem I'm having.
I can't turn the boost down because
I havn't turned it up haha I dont run a boost controller (although I do wish it where that simple) I would have thought retrofitting a more restrictive dump would make it worse????

In Topic: epic boost problem (20psi+!!!)

13 December 2009 - 10:37 PM

You can get a brand new genuine Mitsi turbo for $341? If so, I'll take 3.

hahaha genuine mitsi? no...hell no lol. But although I like to use name brand turbos on my decent cars, I'v seen ebay spec turbos work well far too many times to rule out using them on my daily shitter :D

I'm currently tossing up whether to sell this car so while I do need to fix it before i sell it, I dont want to spend much cash.
Im not sure how much these are worth currently but surely cant be worth much more than $2500 so to spend much on it doesn't work out financially.

In Topic: epic boost problem (20psi+!!!)

12 December 2009 - 10:14 PM

Yes you can, whether it will be successful on the long run, anyone knows.
But would the cost of an external gate and all the pipe work etc roughly be the same as the GT pumps housing?

To me the GT Pump housing just screams rip off. realistically it's a ported housing for the same price as a brand new turbo (unless I'm missing something?)

As far as I can see if an external gate could be fitted to the stock mani it would be reasonably cost effective (provided i can source a gate at a good price) piping would be minimal as I love a good screamer (giggety)

In Topic: epic boost problem (20psi+!!!)

12 December 2009 - 08:08 AM

can you weld a flange for an external gate onto a cast manifold?
To me this seems like the best option if possible. I really don't have time (or tools) to port out the housing and those aftermarket housings are ridiculously priced! This car is only my daily run around so I'm not looking to go all out on it (I have a drift car that eats all my money lol) If it's possible to weld an external gate to the stock mani I can do this pretty economically