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Member Since 10 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2013 03:26 PM

Evo 3 parts for sale

04 October 2013 - 03:05 PM

Well after things blew up with my ongoing project, I found that I have some parts on my hands that I have no use for any more... so if any of these parts interest you let me know:
Evo III gearbox in perfect working order and fitted with a fabricated locking collar
Evo III CV's (in near perfect condition from memory I only drove a few thousand k's on them!)
Evo III front brake assembly with hubs, rotors and callipers in roadworthy condition.

I'm not sure what they're worth but they aren't doing anyone any good sitting in my shed so make me an offer. Contact me on 0433606432 and if I don't answer just text me and I'll get back to you asap

WTT: entire 4G63T FWD setup

25 October 2012 - 06:23 AM

Well after being asked by Vicroads for a VASS certificate for my motor, and the engineer being a %*&# its back to stock for me...
So, I need a stock motor that will fit into a CC Lancer coupe legally and in roadworthy condition, and running well! I don't have the experience or a huge amount of time either, so I'm willing to trade my motor, gearbox, plumbing, and other parts that may be needed if you can fit the motor to my car 100% so it can get back on the road.
I wish it didn't come down to this but it was either this or buy a Prius :(

So what I have is:
Evo III 4G63T
Evo III AWD gearbox with a custom fabricated ''locker collar'' limiting it to FWD for now but can be removed.

My car has just completed a RWC, so all CVs, mounts, etc are in good condition.
I'd prefer a 4G93, or a fuel injected 4G15, but open to offers. Cash offers also considered.

Located in Kilsyth Vic... but my car is on a moving permit so can come to you, or I can organize a factory for a weekend if needed?

I'm losing out a LOT of money here but I just want this car back on the road.

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