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Member Since 07 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2010 09:03 AM


22 January 2010 - 07:15 AM

i have a evo 4 rear end... wandering how to tell if its a RS or AYC??? i was told the RS is the better of the two, so thats the one id prefer to use. can any one please tell ,e the pros\cons of the 2??? thanks

rear 5 stud conversion for mirage

18 January 2010 - 06:23 AM

hi guys. in need of some help. got a mirage with evo 5 front end, all the mechanical side not the panels. and i need some info on what will bolt to my rear end to change it to a 5 stud pattern. i heard that fto rear discs and hub assembly works... could someone please help me. thanks

4g63 in mirage

18 January 2010 - 05:42 AM

hi guys. im in need of some help. just put a evo 5 motor and box in my mirage. its not yet running. ive been getting fukt around with my rear end and im considering not outting it in now, and making it a fwd... any one with any tips how i do this??? will i have to pull the motor and box out again, or can i just drive it with the tail shaft part sticking out. any help is great... thanks.

4g63 conversion, to fwd box

07 December 2009 - 06:08 AM

hi guys. chasing info on my conversion... got a evo5 motor and box, and need to convert it to fwd... can anyone plz help me??? its going into a mirage.. anyhelp would be great


07 December 2009 - 06:04 AM

hey guys. names jarrod. got a project im chasing info on. any help appreciated. 4g63 into mirage conversion...