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Member Since 09 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2023 03:28 AM

Help Emissions Test on a GSR

30 December 2009 - 01:26 AM

Has anyone got any advice when going for a emissions test on a 1.8 GSR?? does a larger front mount make much of a difference and what can be done to reduce the emissions out put on the day of the test??
Help and advice will be most appreciated:thumbsup:

Whats my gsr worth??

30 December 2009 - 01:16 AM

I am wanting to find out what this is worth as i may want to upgrade soon and have been out of the market for a while so dont know.
Its 1992 GSR 115km
Evo 3 front bar and skirts, larger front mount intercooler other than that pretty standard good condition

Posted Image

WTB Wheels for 92 CC GSR Mitsubishi

30 December 2009 - 01:00 AM

I am after some rims or stock steel wheels to fit a 1992 cc lancer gsr.
Also if you know what other cars fit can some one please let me know i tried a 1995 cc gi and they did not fit.
Must be in Sydney or southern highlands
0421591036 or email [email protected]

WTB A/C Condensor for a 92 GSR

09 December 2009 - 10:04 AM

A/C Condensor for a 92 GSR?? Also the top ac pipe that goes to th can thing!!:blink:.??
[email protected]