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Member Since 12 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2009 02:55 AM

In Topic: FS: 560cc Injectors **ALL SOLD**

31 March 2009 - 10:31 PM

1 set sold :)

In Topic: Seats

31 March 2009 - 07:53 PM

I'll see what I can dig up re pictures of my old setup. But they were fixed. Adjustable yes, but only with a few minutes and a spanner.

I'd also not recommend fixed backs (or at least not fixed in the car) if you still drive the car on the street a bit. You give yourself a massive blind spot as it's really hard to look over your shoulder with them (was with mine anyway).

That said, the Velo Podium II I had was the ducks guts. Make sure you sit in the seat though as they are all different. Personally I can't stand the Sparco's. All too narrow through the shoulders for me.

Couldn't you just look into having new mounts made for the seats you have to drop them down a bit?

In Topic: FS: 560cc Injectors **ALL SOLD**

28 March 2009 - 08:19 AM

Yes I do

In Topic: hi everyone

03 March 2009 - 04:10 AM

I had been wondering if you had spotted that:(!!

No, hadn't seen it. Only just got your PM from like a month ago. Don't browse the evo forums much anymore :(

But feel the desire to buy a V once a few more come in.

Its a shame about the car, one less yellow plate, but in the end its only a car.

In Topic: hi everyone

03 March 2009 - 04:02 AM

That makes Shane a sad panda...........:(:(:(:(:(:(:(