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Member Since 29 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2010 07:44 AM

FS:APEXI AVC-R Boost controller

30 December 2009 - 03:59 AM

Hi,as per title im selling an AVC-R boost controller(blue screen version),complete with stand,wiring loom,solenoid and map sensor(brand new sensor).Good condition but has a few marks and scratches on the case.Screen has a few marks which are hardly noticeable.
I'm on holiday from New Zealand and brought over a couple of things to sell here,as the NZ market is screwed at the moment!No ones got any money,so hopefully i might have more luck here.Recently sold my car and kept all the good bits,some going on another car,some getting sold.
Wanting $250,PICK-UP ONLY!Since i don't live here i want to make sure anyone buying it sees it before they buy it.
I'm staying in Sydney,at Rose Bay,but i visit a friend who lives at Burwood a lot,and also my grandma at Hunters Hill,so i can arrange to meet people hopefully somewhere i can find ha ha
I have my nz mobile here,which is on vodafone roaming so i can use it,but I dont know what the number is locally,so just pm me,or email on [email protected]
Also have Power FC with hand controller to suit evo 4/5/6(its evo 6 pt no but works in 4 and 5-yes i have done it)$750,and NEW H beam Carillo rods to suit '2nd gen' evo motors(evo 4 up),top spec 1000hp + rods,CARR bolt option,$1200 ono(cost was aprox $1400 us)