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Member Since 01 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2013 04:25 AM

#185684 Why hasnt anyone taken this???

Posted by wilbagsr on 05 February 2010 - 01:27 AM

Its a 1.8 and has high kilometres, they usually fetch around $6000 - $9000

They fetch around that price if its stock bud. Thats easily worth 10k!!!

Autronic ECU is worth $3,000, The Garrett thats sitting on it is worth another $1500, not to mention an engine rebuild worth at the least $5,000. Also the custom exhaust manifold, fmic cooler pipe fabrication and as well as exhaust itself.

Of coarse you can find a steal from time to time, but like i said, for $10,000, its well worth it. Good buy to anyone up the coast.

(by the way, 1.8lt's are just as good with a solid set of rods... i pulled on numerous times 11 sec quarters out of mine with a best of 11.28@124mph and my current gsr/track car still runs the 1.8 and blows most 2lt's away.) :thumbsup: