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Member Since 03 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2010 12:18 AM

In Topic: My 93 CC GSR

27 April 2010 - 03:13 AM

Hey all thanks for the posts. Heya Bron seats are going well and the car is going well also send me a msg some time we will have to catch up.

In Topic: SOLD: Evo 1-3 intercooler & pipes

14 January 2010 - 12:13 PM

Will the piping and cooler fit behind a CC GSR bar>?

In Topic: any nsw members alive

14 January 2010 - 06:31 AM

Ill be in Sydney on Sat Night i might come down for a look see.

In Topic: any nsw members alive

12 January 2010 - 04:29 AM

I dont know sydney all that well but if someone has some good roads thet we can get on let us know. I would love to get this going so i can meet and greet with you all.

In Topic: any nsw members alive

11 January 2010 - 11:43 PM

How about this route:

Meet at the car park before the entrance to the Nato.

Thru Nato - Coast Road.

Continue thru Thirroul - Bulli.

Onto the Northern Distributor (entry is via roundabout at Woonona. You cant miss it).

People who need to can get petrol from the Caltex on flinders st Wollongong.

Continue along and meet up a South Beach.

Grab a Mr Whippy + laugh at the locals in their Hyundai Accents with 20 inch rims. lol

Get on the Express Way - Meet at the bottom of MacQuarie Pass.

Take a leisurely drive up the Pass hopefully not getting stuck behind the Moto's that infest the area. lol

Eat a rancid pie made from miscellaneous abattoir sweepings at Robbo Pie shop.

Don't know where to go from there.

Some people might want to head back,
or continue thru Robertson then take a left about 2 kms down the road
(cant remember the name) and take the route over the mountains to Kangaroo Vally = lots of fun.

How bout we organise this?