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Member Since 03 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2010 12:18 AM


02 August 2010 - 12:15 AM

Guys my GSR was stolen last night out of Moss Vale in NSW Southern HIghlands. If anyone hears anything can you let me know either by a post or a message. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put a post but couldnt think of anywhere else to put it.

Cheers Richo

CC GSR Roof Turret Strips

16 January 2010 - 10:03 AM

Just a qucik question can anyone point me in the right direction for the Black strips that run around the windscreens and rear window also across tghe roof of a CC gsr. Due to mine sitting in the yard for such a period of time the black coating has started to strip off the aliuminum.

Cheers Richo.

My 93 CC GSR

05 January 2010 - 05:34 AM

Nothing special guys but starting to brain wave about where to begin.:fuuuuu:

Sorry if pics are low qual.

Cheers Richo:lol:


03 January 2010 - 10:33 AM

Hi all now that the GSR is back up and running time to start tinkering again. It still is pretty much all standard and looking at making it more performance orientated.

Firstly Mechanical, should i keep the TDO4 or upgrade to a larger turbo? if so would the TD05 bolt straight on or would I need to change manifolds and such?.

The Injectors and fuel pump would have to be upped I am gathering also to either EVO or VR4 ones?

What kind of boost would this run safely without doing to much damage to motor?

In regards to FMIC i am trying to find a nice bolt on kit im not one for bling but i would like a decent sized front mount. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to a good kit for the 4g93t.

Sorry for long post but lastly anyone know a decent supplier for and EVO 3 kit. Mainly front bar so as to be able to fit FMIC?

Thank all for and replies?

If there are any other sort of upgrades you guys and girls would like to add that could be a good start please feel free to post.



Hey to all

03 January 2010 - 10:11 AM

Finally have my GSR back on the road so I thought I might make a come back to trawling the forums for useful info.

Any ways hey to all look forward to chatting to you all soon

