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Member Since 06 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2010 10:03 AM

What cams?

30 May 2010 - 12:03 PM

Hey, just looking at getting some cams for my vr4 4g63 in my sigma. It's running forged pistons n rods, arp bolts n studs and bc valve springs. Running a Garret T04Z 0.7 front and rear housings. This will be driven on the steet and down the strip, it doesn't have to run like factory obviously but just don't want it to be a pig on the street. Looking at 280's, just wanted to know what others using these cams think of them? And any other options?, looking at running about 25psi. Also running adj cam gears... Any input appreciated

What part number?

17 May 2010 - 12:24 AM

Hey people looking at buying this kit, I've got a jap spec vr4 engine, does any one know what thread the oil filter housing has?

cheers Alex


11 May 2010 - 12:35 PM

okay so here is my problem.....

im just finishing off my gk sigma. Its got a 6 bolt narrow block galant vr4 4g63 engine in it. Im running a borg warner bell housing (sandwich plate then mounted to W58.. not important) note im running the backing/cover plate off an evo 1-3 which lined up perfectly in regards to dowel locaters, starter motor holes and engine to bell housing bolts. Im running a narrow block flywheel ie off a galant gsr (6 bolt 4g63 fwd).

Okay so here is the problem i just got a starter motor for it... its listed to suit 4g63, i bolted it up and........ you can just here the starter turning. Un bolted it tested it on the bench.. all good the gear comes forwards all the way and spins no dramas. I then had the box out cause its getting rebuilt and lined up the starter on the flywheel and from what i can see, it comes out far enough but is about 6mm to far away from the ring gear!!! so yeah obviously not gonna work..... have been told there is a difference between auto and manual starter but have worked out they only differ in regards to how far the gear actually comes out and not the actual placement of it.

So yeah got no fu#@ing idea what to do now.... really wanna get my car on the road... Definitely not a wideblock engine, had a wide block flywheel doesn't even fit in the bell housing..... please some one shed some info on whats going on.........

Cheers Alex

oil feed for oil cooler

11 May 2010 - 05:42 AM

Hey, running a 6 bolt 4g63 in my sigma, i want to setup an oil cooler before i get it running. The grub screws/alan key bolts (in the picture) are high pressure oil outlets correct?? is there any reason why i cant use these as an oil feed for an oil cooler? other than not having any thermostat to control the flow? will just have to make sure i warm my car up before driving... which should be done any way aiy.... will run the standard water to oil cooler as well... no harm

4g63 oil feed banjo

03 May 2010 - 10:13 AM

Hey just wondering what thread the is fitting/oil feed on the back/side of the head on my 6bolt 4g63 is... Cheers